• Package includes:

    ■ 60 minute studio session for an individual or couple.
    ■ 12 photos edited in digital format.
            *Images are chosen by photographer.
    ■ Image/print licence.

    A 50€00 deposit is required to reserve your session.

  • Package includes:

    ■ Two hour studio session for an individual or couple.
    ■ 25 photos edited in digital format.
            *Images are chosen by photographer.
    ■ Image/print licence.

    A 50€00 deposit is required to reserve your session.

  • Package includes:

    ■ Up to 6 hours studio or location session for for an individual, couple, or group.
    ■ 50 - 70 photos edited in digital format.
            *Images are chosen by photographer.
    ■ Portable "pop-up" studio set if required.
    ■ Image/print licence.
    ■ Up to 40km travel.

    A 100€00 deposit is required to reserve your session.

  • Carol Home Shoot - 150€00

    Package includes:

    ■ 60 minute home or location session for an individual or couple.
            Additional people 30€00/person.
    ■ Portable "pop-up" studio set if required.
    ■ 12 photos edited in digital format.
            *Images are chosen by photographer.
    ■ Image/print licence.
    ■ Up to 40km travel.

    A 50€00 deposit is required to reserve your session.

Travel and Expenses

If you live more than 40km from Pre en Pail, I'm afraid I will have to ask for a contribution towards travel costs. To ease calculation, I have split the kilométrage charge into bands. For those of you that travel for work, you'll appreciate that the rates are set at about half those allowed by the French tax authorities of 0.568€.

Your appointment confirmation email will advise which band you should select. The kilométrage charge should be paid along with your deposit.

kilométrage bands

For anything over 160km transport costs and expenses are to be agreed before your booking will be accepted but they are likely to also incur accommodation costs as well.

Special Offer

A limited number of free content-share shoots are now available.

For a limited period, I am offering a free shoot on a "content-share" basis. This is where neither of us pay and we both get to use the images. This will be to update my portfolio to keep it fresh or because I have some ideas I'd like to try out. You still get some images from the shoot, and I will ensure that I only use images that you are comfortable with.

If you want to take advantage of a content share shoot then please contact me for details

NB. All images shown here are used with permission or are part of a content share shoot.

Special Offer

A limited number of free content-share shoots are now available.

For a limited period, I am offering a free shoot on a "content-share" basis. This is where neither of us pay and we both get to use the images. This will be to update my portfolio to keep it fresh or because I have some ideas I'd like to try out. You will also get some digital copies of images from the shoot and will be able to request prints etc. should you wish.

If you want to take advantage of a content share shoot then please contact me for details.